Communication toolkit to promote prudent antibiotic use aimed at primary care prescribers
The toolkit offers advice on how campaign organisers could engage with primary care prescribers so as to promote appropriate and responsible use of antibiotics. The main aim of the campaign is to encourage and empower primary care prescribers to follow prescription guidelines for antibiotics and to provide them with the necessary information, messages and tools to inform patients about the risks of antibiotic resistance and direct their patients towards appropriate use of antibiotics and alternative treatments for viral infections such as common colds and flu.
The primary target audience are primary care prescribers as they represent the group that most frequently interacts with patients seeking medical advice due to simple viral infections, such as common colds and flu. Primary care prescribers generally consist of general practitioners but in some countries also include nurses who can provide primary care and write prescriptions for patients.
The toolkit contains template materials and some suggested key messages for health professionals, ideas for awareness raising activities, and suggested tactics for getting the messages across to both primary care providers and patients regarding prudent use of antibiotics. The toolkit materials are provided in an adaptable format (Word, Adobe InDesign) for easy adaptation and use at national level.

Instructions for use of these materials
For further detailed information and ideas how to use these materials and organise a campaign on self-medication with antibiotics, please see the Guidance note.
Terms of use
Permission to use the European Antibiotic Awareness Day campaign communication materials is granted to all non-profit organizations and healthcare associations as well as all European healthcare authorities and governmental bodies conducting campaigns aimed at reducing antibiotic resistance and promoting the appropriate use of antibiotics.
Any other entities must obtain the consent of the ECDC before using the European Antibiotic Awareness Day campaign communication materials. To obtain permission for use of these materials, please contact:
ECDC would like to hear from you!
ECDC would be interested to know how and where the campaign communication materials are used, particularly if you think that your initiatives could be listed on the ‘National activities’ page of this website. For any questions you may have on the materials, please contact:
Factsheet for primary care prescribers
A factsheet on antibiotic resistance in primary care provides primary care prescribers with EU and national data on the latest trends.
key messages
Key messages for primary care prescribers
While the number of infections due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria is growing, the pipeline of new antibiotics is unpromising, thus presenting a bleak outlook on availability of effective antibiotic treatment in the future.
information material
Patient brochure
A patient leaflet for primary care prescribers to hand out to patients: it explains to patients what antibiotic resistance is and why appropriate use of antibiotics is important.
information material
Patient Dialogue
A model for a patient dialogue on the basis of available evidence provides guidance and support for primary care prescribers who encounter patient pressure for antibiotics, and promotes appropriate antibiotic use by patients. It can be used as a fact sheet or as a desk reminder during consultations.
Materials only in English
toolkit material
Template letter for primary care prescribers
A template letter for national public health authorities to send to primary care prescribers to introduce European Antibiotic Awareness Day.