Campaigns from around the world
EAAD partners with other campaigns around the world with a focus on prudent use of antibiotics and on antimicrobial resistance.
Global networks
ReAct - Action on Antibiotic Resistance
ReAct is a global network with nodes in five continents. As a catalyst ReAct is advocating and stimulating global engagement on antibiotic resistance. This by collaborating across sectors, from grassroot to highest global policy level. For a world free from untreatable infections.
NPS MedicineWise, Antibiotics explained
Antibiotics are medicines used to treat a wide variety of infections or diseases caused by bacteria, such as respiratory tract infections (eg, pneumonia and whooping cough), urinary tract infections, skin infections and infected wounds.
AMR Federal Framework
To set the stage for broader, more cohesive engagement and action, the Government of Canada is presenting Antimicrobial Resistance and Use in Canada: A Federal Framework for Action.
Public Health Agency of Canada, Antibiotic resistance
Help prevent antibiotic resistance by learning about its causes, impact and which bacteria and illnesses are antibiotic-resistant. Also discover helpful resources.
Cabinet Office
Official website of the cabinet office of Japan
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
This is the official website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan
National Center for Global Health and Medicine Hospital
The NGCM has been striving to provide quality medical care as an acute care hospital by serving as a foundation for comprehensive medical care.
New Zealand
New Zealand Health Quality & Safety Commission
Working with clinicians, providers and consumers to improve health and disability support services.
United Kingdom
Antibiotic Guardian campaign
Antibiotic Guardian is a UK-wide campaign which aims to improve behaviours around antibiotic prescribing and use.
Fun games and teaching resources about microbes and antibiotics - a project lead by Public Health England (PHE)
Keep Antibiotics Working
Public Health England’s national campaign: Keep Antibiotics Working
United States
U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week
U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week (formerly “Get Smart About Antibiotics Week”) is an annual one-week observance to raise awareness of the threat of antibiotic resistance and the importance of appropriate antibiotic prescribing and use. Join CDC and partners as we celebrate the effort to combat the spread of antibiotic resistance and improve patient safety.